
If I get to see you in my dream... 〜夢で会えたら‥‥〜

Happy Birthday, Ehime. I wish you were here with us to celebrate your 10th birthday with your favorite carrot cake.


But I know you are with your favorite brothers and a sister. And probably with your best friends, Jack & Chloe, too, right? Are you going on a date with Jack again?

でも、大好きなお兄ちゃんやお姉ちゃんと一緒にいるって知ってるよ。それから多分、親友のジャックくん、クロエちゃんも一緒だよね? またジャックくんとデートしてるの?

Makana: "I miss our sister, Ehime."


Sachi: "Then you should sleep. You can see her in your dream."


Happy Birthday, Ehime♪

For daddy who wants to say that today is also Father's Day, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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