
Zinfandel cranberry sauce 〜ジンファンデル・クランベリーソース〜


Mommy: "Our tradition is making Zinfandel cranberry sauce for the holiday season."


Mommy: "I used a whole bottle of Zinfandel. He he♪" 


Makana: "Does the cranberry sauce taste like wine? Or can I eat, too?"

マカナ:「そのクランベリーソースって、ワインみたいな味がするの? それか、ぼくも食べられる?」

Mommy: "No for both. The aroma is as good as wine, but the alcohol was evaporated while it was cooked. Although it may not the best food for dogs, I can probably chop a little dry food and sprinkle on your food if you like."


Have a cozy Wednesday♪

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