Makana: "How are you feeling, mommy?"
Sachi: "Does your arm still hurt?"
Mommy: "Yes. Getting two shots at the same time was a little too much for me."
Makana: "No! I'm the one give her chu-chu. Not you!"
マカナ:「ダメッ! ママにチュッチュしてあげるのは、ぼくなのっ。さっちゃんじゃないから!」
Sachi: "It doesn't have to be you! It could be me!"
さち:「にいにいじゃなくてもいいもん! わたちでもいいもん!」
Mommy: "Umm... It'll help me if you two have some quiet time today."
ママ:「あの‥‥ 今日は静か〜に過ごしてくれると助かるんだけど。」
Have a peaceful Thursday♪
For daddy who has no problem at all getting shots for Covid & flu at the same time, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!
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