Daddy: "Wow! The instructor came up with the nice design for the next Paint & Sip."
パパ:「わあ! インストラクターさん、次のペイント&シップのイベント用に、いいデザインを考えてくれたなあ。」
Mommy: "Right? It's going to be bottle painting."
ママ:「でしょ? ボトルペインティングなのよね。」
Mommy: "Participants are painting Kula's recycled wine bottles and will create two wine bottle lights. One for themselves, and the other one for sale at the tasting room until April 10th. All sales are going to be donated to the local humane society to help homeless pets."
Daddy: "I hope many people are interested in this event."
Makana: "Homeless pets... I hope there will be more animals can have a happy time with their human parents in the future."
マカナ:「ホームレスのペット‥‥ 将来、もっとたくさんの動物たちが、人間のパパやママと幸せな時間を過ごせるようになるといいな。」
Mommy: "I agree."
Have a happy Wednesday♪
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