It was 24F when we woke up this morning! Brrrr..... When we were getting ready for the morning, the water for the house stopped!
今朝起きたとき、-4℃以下でした!ブルルルル‥‥ 朝の支度をしていたとき、なんと家のお水が止まってしまいました!
Daddy: "Hmmm... We have the water in the well."
パパ:「うーん‥‥ 井戸にはお水があるんだけどなあ。」
Mommy: "The water pipe is probably frozen. I'll go check the water trough for cows."
Mommy: "Oh, no... The ice on the water is pretty thick. Let's break it with the branch."
ママ:「あら、やだ‥‥ お水に張ってる氷、結構分厚いわ。木の枝で氷を砕こうっと。」
Happy: "Phew, I'm glad we are able to drink the water."
Mommy: "We cannot wash you two this morning. Let's clean you with the grooming wipes, instead."
Makana: "OK. I like this."
Ehime: "I'm too sleepy to move. You can just clean my right side."
Mommy: "What?"
Please stay warm.
For daddy & mommy who who sometimes feel a little difficulty to spend winter in the country, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!
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