
Peace to our hearts 〜心に平和を〜

Mommy: "Ouch... I hurt the top of my right foot the night before."

ママ:「いたたた‥‥ 前日の夜に、右足を痛めちゃったのよね。

Makana: "Oh, that's right. When you tried to take my sister out during the night, right?"

マカナ:「ああ、右足? 夜、ねえたんをお外に連れて行こうとしたときだよね?」

Mommy: "Yes. I guess I was still dreaming. I did something wrong to put the boots on."


Mommy: "Happy, the cow and Hana the horse stepped on this foot in the past. I guess the nerve got hurt since then."


Makana: "I understand. My heart got hurt last night and it's still hurting me."

マカナ:「わかる〜 昨日の夜、ぼくの心が傷ついたんだけど、まだズキズキ痛むんだよね。」

Mommy: "What? What happened?"

ママ:「なに? 何があったの?」

Makana: "My sister stole my bone."


Ehime: "???"



I found this heart when I was doing farm work this morning. It means we get good luck, right?



Have a wonderful Thursday♪

For our family who is getting the peace back in the house, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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