
Harvesting Meyer lemons 〜マイヤーレモンの収穫〜


Mommy: "I harvested Meyer lemons from our tree. They have great aroma, don't you think?"


Makana: "(sniff, sniff)"


Sachi: "Not at all! Wrestling is better. Yaaaaa!!!"

さち:「まったく〜! レスリングの方がいい。やああああ!!!」

Makana: "Ouch! Did you do that!? 

マカナ:「いてっ! やったな〜!?」

Mommy: "Again? Huh... I've got to vacuum and get rid of your hair from the floor now."

ママ:「また? はあ‥‥ 今度は掃除機をかけて、床に落ちたふたりの毛を取り除かなくっちゃ。」

Have a great Saturday♪

For Makana & Sachi who are not interested in Meyer lemons at all, please click the puppy photo on the right above or  a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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