
Picture panels 〜ピクチャーパネル〜


Mommy: "We put the picture panels on the wall in our restaurant. This picture reminds me of the beach town in Oahu where we used to live. I can still hear the waves in my ears."


Makana: "I don't want to hear the waves. I don't think I like the water coming to me."


Sachi: "I'm finally getting used to the shower. Taking a bath might be a little challenging."


Mommy: "Well... Going in the ocean is different from taking a bath."

ママ:「えっと‥‥ 海に入ることと、お風呂に入ることは別物なんだけど。」

Have a great Wednesday♪

For Makana & Sachi who think that the water is something to drink, not to play in, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you! 


にほんブログ村 犬ブログ ゴールデンレトリバーへ

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